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Introduction to State Courts
This class is taught by William S. Fish, Jr., a partner at Hinckley Allen. His practice spans across a range of legal disciplines including commercial litigation and the First Amendment. He has tried complex matters in state and federal court and has represented the media for 40 years.
Court Documents and Hearings
This lesson is taught by William S. Fish, Jr., a partner at Hinckley Allen. By viewing this lesson, you’ll learn: (1) court rules on accessing judicial records and proceedings (2) special considerations for journalists, such as the right to record court hearings and (3) how to object to a denial of access for records or to a proceeding.
Online Access to State Court Documents
This lesson is taught by Andrew Brown at the CT Mirror. Brown previously was a reporter at newspapers in North Dakota, West Virginia and most recently South Carolina. He has covered business, utilities, environmental issues, the opioid crisis, local government and two state legislatures.