We need to raise $5,000 by the end of tomorrow when our spring fundraiser concludes.
Your help has been crucial to this campaign and we’re grateful to all those supporters who have made contributions and told others about our work on behalf of the First Amendment.
In recent days, you may have seen some of our coalition leaders publicly defending your freedoms and right to know:
“We have the right to know who’s accused of crimes in our communities and whether police are acting appropriately.”
Justin Silverman
NEFAC Executive Director
Experts: West Bridgewater Police Chief Ignoring Public Record Laws
“[I]f there are more indicia of a meeting and actual joint discussion of public business, that may violate” the state’s open meetings law.
Sigmund Schutz
Preti Flaherty (Portland, Maine) and NEFAC Board of Directors
Waterville Councilors Criticized for Attending School Funding Informational Meeting
“Perhaps it’s time to mount legal challenges that would take aim at some of the other Massachusetts exemptions that are commonly overused to limit the public’s right to know.”
Robert A. Bertsche
Prince Lobel Tye (Boston, Mass.) and NEFAC Executive Board
Victory for Public Records Advocates: Mass. High Court Limits Anti-Terrorism Exemption
“We’re looking forward to getting these documents out in the open and having a public discussion about police accountability . . .”
Dan Barrett
ACLU of Connecticut and NEFAC Board of Directors
Enfield To Appeal FOI Commission Ruling On Police Brutality Lawsuit Settlements
We are working every day to protect your First Amendment freedoms and the public’s right to know. Want to learn more? Read our annual review for a look at what we accomplished last year and visit our website to see what we are achieving now.