Sidney Homicide Raises Question: Why Won’t Authorities Release Victim’s Name?
Morning Sentinel 12.31.24
Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, an advocacy group that works on public access, government transparency and First Amendment issues, said that privacy concerns do not seem to outweigh public interest in this case. “As a general matter, those who are deceased don’t have as strong privacy rights, if any, as victims that are still alive,” Silverman said Tuesday. “Typically, the names of murder victims are released, even if they are minors,” he continued. “Which isn’t to say that there may not be some strong privacy interests on behalf of the family, but I think the attorney general’s office, in this case, given the circumstances and high public interest in this case, being a homicide, should be explaining to everyone why this particular case warrants such secrecy. “If there are any unique considerations, those should be shared so we can understand why secrecy might be warranted in this case.” . . . Silverman, of the First Amendment Coalition, also said it is unusual for the name of an alleged murder victim to be withheld by officials, when it seems many people already know it. “Here, you had a murder that occurred in our community, and the public should have accurate information about what occurred and who the victim was,” Silverman said. “And if most of the people in the community already know the name of the victim, then that would be an argument against any kind of secrecy on behalf of the AG’s office.”
Court Finds Judicial Discipline Process Not Subject to Right-to-Know Law
Union Leader 12.26.24
Attorney Gregory Sullivan, President of the New England First Amendment Coalition, stressed this decision doesn’t change well-grounded case precedent or the New Hampshire Constitution’s provision that the judicial branch must be “open, accessible, accountable and responsive,” under Part 1, Article 8. “We have a right to court records and that access to same cannot be unreasonably restricted,” Sullivan said.
Seven-Week Wait for Interview on City Spending
The New Bedford Light 12.9.24
In a conversation with The Light in early November, New England First Amendment Coalition President Greg Sullivan questioned whether the city was being reasonable by delaying the interview for weeks and asking for written questions only. “Written questions are not the same thing as an interview, where you can follow up,” Sullivan said. “That’s the point of an interview.”
The Struggle to Obtain Documents Under Mass. Public Records Law (video)
NBC Boston 11.22.24
Crash Cases: A Review of Mass. State Police Lawsuits
NBC Boston 11.22.24
Justin Silverman is the executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, an organization that works toward government transparency. Silverman said it is another frustrating example of lack of access to public records in the commonwealth. He believes the overall attitude trickles down to government agencies like Massachusetts State Police, which has a reputation for its long delays, expensive cost estimates and outright denials related to public records requests. In 2015, the Investigative Reporters & Editors organization chose Massachusetts State Police with its dubious “Golden Padlock” award, which recognizes the “most secretive U.S. agency or individual.” “Secrecy is the biggest concern as far as the work we do,” Silverman said. “The Massachusetts State Police, I mean, they’ve been recognized nationally for their secrecy. That’s the challenge with the department, is that there is a history of abusing certain exemptions in the public records law to withhold information.” . . . Silverman said improving the agency’s public records reputation would be an important step to regaining public trust. “With that transparency, we can create trust with the communities the police serve,” Silverman said. “And with that trust comes more accountability. But it also becomes a stronger and more effective police department.”
‘Constantly in Fear’: Everett Demands Answers on Ousted School Chief’s Investigation
The Boston Globe 11.13.24
Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, which promotes access to government and its work, said it’s important for the public to know when allegations are made against a school official — and the outcome of an investigation. “We have a right to know what the investigation found,” Silverman said.
New England First Amendment Coalition Raises Concerns About Courthouse Kiosks
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly 11.8.24
New England First Amendment Coalition Executive Director Justin H. Silverman says his organization is glad the Executive Office of the Trial Court responded promptly to its recent letter about the sorry state of case information kiosks at some of the state’s courthouses. But it also hopes to see the day that it will be unnecessary to hoof it into court and hope to find an available, functioning computer terminal. . . . “Big picture, we should be providing the same kind of access to the general public online remotely as they get at the courthouse,” Silverman says. “But if the court isn’t willing to take that big of a step right now, then there should be more kiosks, or at least stricter rules as far as their usage.”
Mass. State Police Want More Than $176k to Review Public Records Request
Boston 25 10.24.24
“We shouldn’t have to pay almost $200,000 to get this information, said Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. That’s the region’s leading advocate for First Amendment freedoms and the public’s right to know about government. “These are our tax dollars that are being spent on the state police training program. And we have a right to know whether or not that program is operating safely or whether it’s just teeing up another tragedy to occur somewhere down the road,” Silverman said. . . . “I think it’s important to note that we’re not seeking names or any kind of personal information, but instead the very reasons for why these cadets quit the program,” Silverman said. . . . “They should be working on behalf of the public to come up with a way to be more transparent,” Silverman said. “So instead of just relying on these fees and sending out a bill for almost $200,000, the State Police in this case should be working with journalists and others concerned about the situation with this cadet to make sure that enough information is provided where we can get a full understanding of what’s going on.”
Treasurer Goldberg Ordered Deletion of Series of Texts, Ex-Mass. Lottery Official Says (audio)
WBUR 10.18.24
Specialists in Massachusetts public records say the allegation that Goldberg ordered a state employee to delete public records — and potentially destroyed her own — raises a red flag. “It concerns me,” said Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. “Bottom line, text messages are subject to the public records law, and there are certain retention policies that govern when they can and cannot be deleted.” . . . Silverman, of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said any correspondence with Farley about appointing or removing the head of a state regulatory agency should have been preserved. “These are not the types of text messages that you fire off quickly, saying you’ll be in the office in five minutes, or ‘I’m running a little late today,’” he said. “These are conversations happening over text that are of substance and can give the public a lot of insight into how the commission’s working, and should be retained appropriately.”
Boston’s Police Transparency Unit is Opaque
Boston 25 | 10.17.24
“It’s almost laughable that the city would take almost ten months to reply to a public records request and reply with no documents, but a link to a broken website,” said Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. “It would be laughable if the need for government transparency, especially around police misconduct wasn’t so important.” . . . “But that’s the state that we’re in when it comes to public records in Massachusetts,” Silverman said. “It’s a state of secrecy where the city can delay their response and have us running in circles looking for the accountability and transparency that we’re entitled to in the first place.”
Access/RI Calls for Public Input Before Online Court Records Update
Providence Business News 10.15.24
“While we applaud the court’s intentions and look forward to increased accessibility to court records, we are unaware of any public hearing or other opportunity to provide guidance on how this system could best be implemented,” the New England First Amendment Coalition, an Access/RI member, wrote in an Oct. 1 letter to the state judiciary on behalf of the group’s broader membership. “Please consider this a request to provide that opportunity. Members of the public and organizations like ours can share important guidance on how the new system could be successfully launched and done so in a way that maximizes transparency.”
3 Reasons Why It’s Hard for Mainers to Spot a Bad Contractor
Bangor Daily News 10.2.24
“Unfortunately, what we have right now is a system that privileges those that are able to travel across the state, go to courthouses, request certain records,” said Justin Silverman, the executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. Instead, the state should be “fostering a system that’s more equitable and allows you to get those same records online.”
New Protest Policy Draws Legal Scrutiny
The Mass Media 9.23.24
Gregory Sullivan, the president of the New England First Amendment Coalition who practices media law in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, also said the policy is mostly reasonable. The policy prohibits protests outside four “public assembly locations,” except for “marches, parades and processions,” which are allowed on roadways and sidewalks. . . . Some parts of the policy extend beyond those legal limits, however, including the section that requires organizers and participants to pay for “expenses resulting from protest or demonstration, including custodial services, traffic control, grounds maintenance, and event services arrangements.” The same section assigns campus police costs to organizers in case of counter-protests, “whether or not such staffing support has been agreed to in advance.” Sullivan said this requirement is unreasonable. “That’s not what I would call free speech,” he said. . . . Sullivan said that restriction may be unreasonable, and therefore not allowable. “Time, place and manner restrictions are allowed so long as they are reasonable,” he said. “You get 100 people shouting, ‘When do we want it? We want it now!’ — Got to be more than a normal vacuum cleaner. The previous version of the policy, updated in 2017, stated that the university may not deny otherwise legal fliers and signs because of their content. The revised policy includes no such statement — an omission Silverglate said is a weakness. “The constitution and the case law requires content neutrality. All points of view have to be equally treated,” he said. Sullivan said the constitution already prohibits the university from censoring speech based on its content, making the statement unnecessary. “The omission of that statement, to me, doesn’t mean that it’s giving the university the right to wrongfully remove content,” he said.
Half the Story
Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism 9.18.24
Experts questioned why, upon realizing the MPTC didn’t have the information they wanted as electronic data, POST didn’t create this database itself. “It doesn’t make any sense that the previous employment of these officers wouldn’t be tracked and recorded if the ultimate goal was to prevent police misconduct from occurring,” said Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. “We’re only getting half the story without this information.” . . . Silverman, of the New England First Amendment Coalition, called on POST to build the database set out in the regulations — including full employment history. “The technology is there,” he said. “The need is there. We just need some leadership within this commission to either begin tracking this information, or demanding it from other agencies so it can be used when determining whether or not an officer is fit for duty.”
Massachusetts Journalists Demand Access to Vital RMV and CDL Records
The Dorchester Post 9.9.24
Motor vehicle records that were once publicly available in Massachusetts, such as those used to report on Boston City Councilor Kendra Lara’s crash into a house while driving with a revoked license, are now being withheld due to new regulations. These records, including individual driving histories and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) data, have become inaccessible under the Work Family Mobility Act (WFMA), despite containing no immigration-related information — the law’s primary focus.
NEFAC Urges AG to Restore Massachusetts Public Driving Records Access
Shrewsbury Post 9.9.24
Motor vehicle records that were once public in Massachusetts are now being withheld, creating significant barriers for journalists and public safety reporting. The records, which include individual driving histories and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) data, have become inaccessible due to regulations under the Work Family Mobility Act (WFMA). These records, previously available for cases unrelated to immigration status, are now kept secret despite their relevance to public interest reporting.
Dorchester Barbershop Murder Video Called Too Gruesome, Yet Still Up
Boston Herald 9.3.24
Whether content violates social media policies is separate from whether it goes against the First Amendment, said Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. Silverman said he did not know the specifics of the video taken at the Dorchester barbershop. “What if instead of a barbershop crime scene, you had graphic images of casualties on a battleground or children who died during wartime? These types of graphic images are really difficult to view and some would argue you shouldn’t be publishing them at all,” Silverman said. “But you certainly, under the First Amendment, have the right to because they are in the public’s interest” he added, “they’re newsworthy, and presumably they were obtained under the law.”
‘You Cannot Speak:’ Waterboro Man Cut Off From Speaking at Sanford City Council Meeting
WGME 8.29.24
“Across the region, there have been attempts to limit comment to only the residents of that particular town or municipality,” New England First Amendment Coalition Executive Director Justin Silverman said. Silverman says generally, something like this restriction does violate the First Amendment. “In that they’re discriminating based on one’s viewpoint, being a non-resident and having that perspective,” Silverman said. He says if there is time for people to talk and it relates to a local issue, there’s no reason not to allow others a chance to speak. “It’s unreasonable to not only deprive them of that opportunity, but to also deprive the residents of this city the opportunity to hear their opinions,” Silverman said.
Drones: Ignoring Privacy Laws Can Get You in Trouble
Sun Journal 8.25.24
“In order for someone to have a claim for wrongful invasion of privacy, there first has to be a reasonable expectation of privacy,” New England First Amendment Coalition President Gregory Sullivan told WMTW TV in the days after the incident. “So pretty much anything that occurs in public is fair game.” Unless the photographer is trespassing or using a telephoto lens to take photos of a private space, like the inside of a house, Sullivan explained, most videography is considered protected speech.
How Should NH Municipalities Regulate Public Comment Sessions? (audio)
NHPR 8.20.24
Manchester’s not the only municipality in New Hampshire to have “civility ordinances,” which are rules that try to limit speech that officials consider inappropriate during public comment. But New Hampshire’s ACLU and the New England First Amendment Coalition say some of these ordinances could violate the freedom of speech and have called on Manchester to revise theirs. Brett Johnson is an associate professor at the University of Iowa and the former legal fellow at the New England First Amendment Coalition. He researched civility ordinances across New England, and spoke about them with NHPR’s All Things Considered host Julia Furukawa.
Lack of Audit for State’s Education Freedom Account Program Raises Concerns
Granite State News Collaborative 8.16.24
Gregory Sullivan — an attorney who specializes in media law, is president of the Manchester-based law firm Malloy & Sullivan, and is president of the New England First Amendment Coalition — said that he’s never seen a case similar to the Children’s Scholarship Fund audit argument. He’s been in the legal field for 46 years. “From a legal point of view, this Children’s Scholarship Fund New Hampshire is subject to the Right-to-Know law, chapter 91-A,” Sullivan said. “So never mind a legislative budget assistant — any person should be able to request and receive specific information from CSF. It’s that simple.” “If you’re a private organization, but you are dealing with taxpayers’ money, then the public has a right to know everything there is to know about those finances,” Sullivan said.
If City of Rochester Doesn’t Appeal Case, Judge Will’s Ruling Could Rule the Roost
The Rochester Voice 8.15.24
If the City of Rochester chooses not to appeal Will’s order to the state’s High Court, the president of the New England First Amendment Coalition believes the Legislature might not need to get involved. “If the City of Rochester decides not to appeal this to the Supreme Court, this ruling may stand as precedent,” said NEFAC President Gregory V. Sullivan. “Justice Will’s Order is a well-reasoned and solid decision. It recognizes the importance of a free press and of governmental transparency, both of which are mandated by the New Hampshire Constitution and our Right to Know law.”
Healey Administration Conceals Key Information About State Shelter System Even as It Triples Spending
The Boston Globe 8.13.24
In Massachusetts, the public records law presumes that all governmental records are public unless they are specifically exempt for reasons such as an ongoing police investigation or privacy. However, there are limits to the privacy exemption and the law requires that agencies withhold records only if an individual’s privacy concerns outweigh the public’s interest in the information. Often those exemptions can be interpreted broadly and citizens have very little recourse, earning the state a reputation as being among the worst in the nation for ensuring the public has access to government records, said Justin Silverman, the executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. “Where the state is spending its money is usually public records 101,” Silverman said.
Worcester Puts Spending Information Back Online as Part of Revamped Data Portal
Telegram & Gazette 8.11.24
“We are very happy to see the City of Worcester once again embrace fiscal transparency — a hallmark of good governance and prerequisite for a strong democracy,” Kade Crockford of the Massachusetts ACLU wrote in an email. “Worcester residents have every right to see where their tax dollars are spent, so we are relieved and heartened to see the city reverse course and reopen the checkbook for public inspection.” Phineas Baxandall, policy director of the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center; Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition; and Deirdre Cummings, legislative director of MASSPIRG, offered similar sentiments.
UMass Seeking Felony Riot Charges Against Palestine Activists
The Shoestring 8.8.24
The Massachusetts State Police did not respond to a public records request filed in May, despite several follow-up inquiries. The agency’s records portal, a service for tracking public records requests, has listed The Shoestring’s request as “in progress,” without any changes, for two months. Press freedom organizations like the New England First Amendment Coalition have consistently cited Massachusetts State Police as among the worst violators of Massachusetts public records law.
Police Face Competing Priorities After Shootings, Are They Meeting Their Obligations?
WMTW 8.6.24
“That justification that they’re using is often overused, if not abused,” said New England First Amendment Coalition executive director Justin Silverman. “It’s often used as a way to withhold basic information about crimes that are happening in our communities.” . . . However, Silverman says police frequently withhold more information than needed. He thinks officials should be more forthcoming about why they’re withholding certain details and when more information will be released. “That kind of transparency is what creates trust between us and the police departments that serve us and without that kind of trust, we’re left wondering not only what’s happening within our communities as it relates to certain crimes that might be occurring, but we’re also left wondering, are police doing their job effectively?” Silverman said.
City Hall: Concerns Raised Over Changes to Public Comment Rules
Union Leader 8.2.24
Representatives with the New England First Amendment Coalition (NEFAC) and the ACLU of New Hampshire have contacted Mayor Jay Ruais regarding concerns the organizations have over a recent amendment to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen’s rules on public commentary. The groups are concerned with the amendment to Rule 3 of the board adopted May 7 that states: “Speakers shall be civil in their language and presentation. Profanity, threats, and the use of vulgar language or fighting words are prohibited … The use of banners, flags, signs, or other items which may create a security concern, obstruct the view of other members of the public, or restrict public access within the Aldermanic Chambers, is also strictly prohibited.”
ACLU, New England First Amendment Coalition Seek Revision on City’s Public Comment Policy
Manchester Ink Link 8.1.24
The New England First Amendment Coalition and the ACLU of New Hampshire called on the City of Manchester today to revise its rules on public comments during Board of Mayor and Aldermen meetings. Officials recently prohibited profanity and uncivil expression, among other types of speech, in violation of state and federal constitutions.
Portland Police Cite ‘Active Investigation’ as Reason to Withhold Shooting Details
Portland Press Herald 8.1.24
“I think with any situation, the follow-up is key,” said Justin Silverman, director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. “It’s helpful to believe that police don’t believe this is an ongoing threat, but it’s even more helpful to know why they believe that.” . . . Silverman, the First Amendment coalition director, said Thursday that it’s in everyone’s best interest for police to answer questions and provide as much information as is reasonable at that time. “Without questions being answered and information being provided, it’s just going to lead to a lot of speculation that I think certainly may make members of the public question whether police are doing their job effectively,” Silverman said. He stressed that he wasn’t aware of the details of the shooting and was only speaking generally about law enforcement practices. He said police generally withhold information more than is necessary, often to their own detriment. Silence can “chip away at the trust police have with their communities,” Silverman said. It can also sometimes allow misinformation to flourish, particularly online. Hours after the shooting, online commenters made several conflicting assertions about where the shooting occurred. Two bars in the area even had to put out statements that the shooting didn’t take place on their grounds. “So, I think that’s problematic,” said Silverman. “I think it’s disconcerting that a shooting could happen in one of our neighborhoods, and we aren’t being informed exactly where it happened.”
R.I. Restores Full Dates of Birth to Public Voter Database
The Boston Globe 8.1.24
At the time, the New England First Amendment Coalition publicly opposed Gorbea’s decision to remove full dates of birth from the voter database. And on Thursday, NEFAC executive director Justin Silverman hailed Amore’s decision. “This is a welcome decision that will reverse a policy at odds with our public records law,” Silverman said. “Releasing this information will bring more transparency to the secretary of state’s office and the maintenance of voter rolls. We’re glad to see Secretary Amore correcting course and now releasing data that should not have been withheld in the first place.”
R.I. Labor Relations Board Will Allow Video Recording of Hearings
The Boston Globe 7.29.24
Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said, “This is a welcome decision for transparency and our right to view Labor Relations Board hearings. The ability to record public meetings, even of a quasi-judicial body, is in line with open government principles and the spirit of the law.” But, he said, “It’s not clear what harm live streaming would cause or why the board is prohibiting real-time viewing. If the board is going to recognize its hearings as open, then it should allow any type of recording that is permissible under the Open Meetings Act.”
Laconia Daily Sun Files Motion to Reconsider Ombudsman’s Rejection of Legal Fees
Granite State News Collaborative 7.23.24
“The case was clear,” said Gregory V. Sullivan, a lawyer with Malloy and Sullivan, who has argued many right-to-know cases and is president of the New England First Amendment Coalition. “I’m in complete disagreement with the ombudsman’s decision to deny attorney’s fees and costs in this case,” Sullivan said. “The standard is whether the governmental agency knew or should have known that the documents should be provided. The school district claimed that they weren’t aware of the current state of the law until after the complaint was filed with the ombudsman’s office, and then they complied with the request.” “They either knew or certainly should have known that the documents should have been provided, and therefore attorney’s fees and costs, I think, were pretty much mandatory,” Sullivan said. . . . Sullivan thinks the mistake was the result of a bigger issue. “It’s pretty clear to me that this is not a one-man job,” Sullivan said, noting that Kehr is the only employee in the ombudsman’s office and has no staff. “To me, that is absurd. That’s on the Legislature that created the position but hasn’t funded it and staffed it in order to meet the goal of efficiency.” . . . The ombudsman law has an expiration date of July 2025. In other words, the office is in a trial run, to see if it serves the intended purpose. “There’s going to need to be legislation if indeed that office is going to continue to exist,” said Sullivan. “It should be an agency, not one person doing all the work. It’s just too much.”
Lack of Trains-Parency at the MBTA
Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism 7.15.24
Transparency advocates say the T is hiding behind excuses instead of releasing important information about hiring that affects public safety. Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said that even if the MBTA has some claim for exemption, it doesn’t get to decide if a redacted version would be meaningless. “That’s not a justification under the law to not disclose that information,” Silverman said. “The whole point of the public records law is to give the public a view of all laundry, dirty and clean. If the laundry is dirty the public needs to see it.” . . . Silverman from the New England First Amendment Coalition said the exemption the T is citing does cover consultant work, as opposed to work by a contractor, adding there may be a “reasonable argument” that Guidehouse is working in that capacity. However, he said, the T failed to clearly define “consultant” or explain how Guidehouse fits that description. And even if Guidehouse’s work is partially exempt, the T’s assertion—that it doesn’t have to provide redacted information because in its view, that information wouldn’t make sense—is “ridiculous.” “I don’t like any agency to be in the position of deciding that for themselves,” Silverman said. “Even if it does apply, they should still give all of the reports. All of the factual findings that aren’t covered should be disclosed. “The law requires that if facts and information can be segregated they should be disclosed, regardless of whether there is enough context. [Context] is not what the law requires—what the law requires is disclosure. I really take issue with that part of the response—if one word can be segregated, it should be released.” Silverman also criticized the T’s assertion that releasing that information would set “unclear or incomplete expectations for the media and public.” “It’s interesting that they put that in the response,” he said. “That rationale falls outside the scope of public records law. … Either the exemption applies or it doesn’t—what they are saying is outside that.”
Maine Man Says Police Threatened to Arrest Him for Drone Video of Neighbor’s House
WMTW 7.15.24
Free speech experts say Maine’s privacy laws are very clear. “In order for someone to have a claim for wrongful invasion of privacy, there first has to be a reasonable expectation of privacy,” said New England First Amendment Coalition president Gregory Sullivan. “So pretty much anything that occurs in public is fair game.” Sullivan said law enforcement officers are responsible for understanding the law completely and that officers who violate free speech rights can be held liable in civil court.
Union Request to Livestream Hearing Highlights ‘Gray Area’ of R.I. Open Meetings Act
The Boston Globe 7.10.24
“This issue of quasi-judicial bodies is a gray area,” said Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition. “There has been a lot of litigation in other New England states about what constitutes quasi-judicial bodies, advisory bodies, and other public bodies that don’t fit squarely within each state’s open meetings act. It’s very fact specific.” But since the Labor Relations Board allows the public to attend hearings, Silverman said he sees no reason why videotaping should be prohibited. “If the public can view everything going on within the room, then recording should be allowed,” he said. “Because of logistical limitations, not everyone can attend.”
Legislative Committee Advances Bill to Guarantee Hybrid Meetings
Franklin Observer 6.24.24
The ACLU of Massachusetts, Boston Center for Independent Living, Common Cause Massachusetts, Disability Law Center, League of Women Voters of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association, MASSPIRG, New England First Amendment Coalition, and New England Newspaper & Press Association released the following joint statement in response.
Plymouth Official Threatens Reporter for Recording a Public, Live-Streamed Meeting
Media Nation 6.20.24
Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, told the Independent that “you have a meeting that’s being live streamed and recorded. Certainly, there’s no expectation of privacy here. One really needs to question what the intent was to make that threat of jail time. Was it to intimidate the journalist?” But Canty, a lawyer, did have a thin reed to grasp onto. Under state law, anyone who plans to make an audio recording of an interview or a gathering needs to inform those present. At one time we all thought that the explicit permission of the party or parties being recorded was necessary, but that was clarified by the state’s Supreme Judicial Court in 2021. Still, you do have to say something. When I asked Silverman about that, he replied by email that Thys should have notified the chair, although he was within his rights to record whether the chair liked it or not. “That said, I’m not aware of any penalty, if there is one, for not making the announcement,” Silverman said. “I’m also skeptical about whether this requirement would even apply in cases where the meeting is already being recorded by the town and live-streamed.”
Canty Says Reporter Could Face Years in Prison for Not Announcing He Was Recording a Public Meeting
Plymouth Independent 6.19.24
Justin Silverman, director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said Canty’s remarks were disturbing. “It’s troubling any time a member of government threatens jail time against a journalist when they’re just simply doing their job,” he said. Thys, Silverman said, was exercising his “First Amendment right to record public officials engaged in public duty in a public space.” That right, he said, has been reaffirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in a 2011 case involving the recording of police officers on Boston Common. On top of all of that, Silverman said, “you have a meeting that’s being live streamed and recorded. Certainly, there’s no expectation of privacy here. One really needs to question what the intent was to make that threat of jail time. Was it to intimidate the journalist?”
Police Oversight Reform Clear Last Legislative Hurdles in Rhode Island
The Providence Journal 6.6.24
But as the media and other open-government advocacy groups read it, the section could have banned access to body-camera footage whenever a “minor” violation of department rules is involved, even if the footage otherwise would have been accessible under existing public-records law. . . . Those writing the letter of concern included: John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island; Scott Pickering, general manager of East Bay Media Group; Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition and Steven Brown, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island.
Teachers Accuse Education Department of Secrecy in Drafting Standards for Public Schools
Granite State News Collaborative 5.24.24
In October 2023, multiple news organizations — including the N.H. Press Association, the Granite State News Collaborative and the New England First Amendment Coalition — filed a right-to-know request, asking the NCCBL and the Education Department to release any documents drafted in their meetings about education standards, citing New Hampshire’s right-to-know law.
Gov. Mills Administration Looks to Charge I-Team $1,400+ for Public Travel Records
WGME 5.24.24
“This is information of high public interest, information that we all have the right to know,” Justin Silverman with the New England First Amendment Coalition said. . . . “The public needs to know where she’s going, how much money is being spent and the purpose of these trips,” Silverman said. “Unfortunately, in Maine the only recourse in cases like this is to go to court, which is just going to cost even more money.”
Rhode Island Politics Roundup
The People’s Radio 5.17.24
The New England First Amendment Coalition and affiliated groups sounded a warning this week that the LEOBOR bill recently passed by the House will be a setback for the public’s right to know. House Speaker Joe Shekarchi and Senate President Dominick Ruggerio rejected the concern, saying that body cam footage involving minor departmental violations by police would remain subject to public-records requests. Meanwhile, although body cams are widely credited with exposing the reality of police brutality in many instances, they are also subject to shortcomings in terms of what gets released and who controls that process.
How Civic Documenters Empower Communities and Strengthen Local News Coverage (audio)
The Granite Beat 5.15.24
On this episode of “The Granite Beat,” Julie Hart and Adam Drapcho talk with a group who came together to bolster local news coverage in New Hampshire. Justin Silverman of the New England First Amendment Coalition, Melanie Plenda of the Granite State News Collaborative and Laura Simoes of the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications are partners in the Civic Documenters program, helping train community members to participate in reporting on local government. CivDoc, as the program is called, was first piloted in the Monadnock Region, and is currently expanding in the Lakes Region.
Transparency Debated in New LEOBOR Bill
The Public’s Radio 5.14.24
In a web posting Monday, the New England First Amendment Coalition and affiliated groups say the bill would keep secret some body-cam footage — involving minor departmental violations by police — that were previously subject to the state’s open records law. “It is deeply troubling and sadly ironic that, as a result of this provision, a bill designed to promote greater police transparency does the opposite,” NEFAC said in a memo with other groups including the Rhode Island ACLU and Common Cause of Rhode Island. “Unlike LEOBOR, police body-worn cameras are a fairly new feature of policing in Rhode Island. Prohibiting the release of a wide swath of video sets a troubling precedent and undermines the very purpose of having the cameras.”
Body-Cam Footage Would Be Harder to Get with This Bill. Why Avocates Aren’t Happy About It.
Providence Journal 5.13.24
Advocacy groups are warning about the potential loss of public access to police body-cam footage if the proposed rewrite of the state’s police bill of rights clears the Senate this week. The warning was issued by an amalgam of people and groups that includes: Linda Lotridge Levin, professor emerita of journalism at the University of Rhode Island on behalf of ACCESS/RI; John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island; Scott Pickering, general manager of East Bay Media Group; Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition; and Steven Brown, executive director of ACLU of Rhode Island.
LEOBOR Reform Bill Would Make Some Police Video Secret, Advocates Say
WPRI 5.13.24
Transparency advocates are sounding the alarm as a provision of the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights reform bill that’s making its way through the legislature would require police to keep secret certain body-worn video. The advocates, including Access/RI, Common Cause Rhode Island, East Bay Media Group, the New England First Amendment Coalition and the ACLU of Rhode Island, argue the hotly contested reform bill that’s supposed to improve transparency around police misbehavior would actually make some cases more opaque.
Charges Dropped Against Dartmouth Student Journalists Arrested Covering Campus Protest
The Boston Globe 5.9.24
On May 3, the New England First Amendment Coalition wrote to the college. The nonprofit, nonpartisan organization emphasized the college’s need “to respect the speech rights of students and to protect the ability of journalists to cover those demonstrations.”
Facing National Scrutiny, Dartmouth Agrees Student Journalists ‘Should Not Have Been Arrested’
The Boston Globe 5.8.24
College officials previously refused to acknowledge any wrongful arrests, according to the New England First Amendment Coalition. The nonprofit, nonpartisan organization also had sent a letter asking the college to denounce the arrests of student journalists and insist charges against them be dropped.
Concerns Raised About Dartmouth Student Journalists’ Arrests at Protest
InDepth NH 5.5.24
Two student journalists were arrested during a Dartmouth protest on Wednesday night. They were reportedly wearing press credentials at the time. NEFAC sent a letter to the college’s president today asking that she, among other things, work to have the charges against these students dropped.
A Key Piece of the Karen Read Case Remains a Mystery Due to Mass. Law: The Autopsy Report
The Boston Globe 4.28.24
Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, noted the “high public interest” in this case amid the allegations of police wrongdoing. If there is merit to such claims, it is important for the public to find out — and it is just as important if nothing went wrong, he said, that trust is restored. “Any time you have questions about how those in government are acting and whether they might be involved in an individual’s death, the public interest in getting more information about their death increases significantly,” Silverman said. “These autopsy reports might provide answers to these types of questions.”
Audit Finds Lack of Transparency in New Bedford Court Records
The New Bedford Light 4.23.24
The lack of transparency is not unique to records in the New Bedford District Court, said Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, which promotes public access to government. He described it as a quiet but sweeping issue within the state’s court system, in which records from many district courts are not made public. The organization recently published a letter of concern, calling for the state trial court to follow its own rules of public access. “They aren’t following their own rules. That’s a problem,” Silverman said, in a recent interview. “It’s an issue that’s prevalent in many, if not all courts in Massachusetts.” . . . “It’s important to look at all corners of government to make sure the rules are being followed,” Silverman said. “To have that information online makes it very easy for the public to monitor cases and get a better understanding of what’s happening within the court systems.”
Ethics Panel: No Violation Against Sen. Ram Hinsdale
Vermont Community Newspaper Group 4.18.24
That the existence of the complaints themselves are not made publicly available is of concern, Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said. “A more reasonable way forward would be for the commission to make public the existence of the complaint so, at the very least, we all know that a complaint has been filed against a particular legislator,” he said. But, he noted, that keeping details of a complaint hidden until an investigation is determined necessary might be warranted “in that you don’t want members of the public to be filing meritless complaints against their legislators and abusing the process, which would certainly occur if all the details were revealed.”
Standing Up for Transparency
WUN 4.10.24
This legislative session, we are proud to be sponsoring APRA reform legislation. We have worked hard since the previous session to update this proposal based on discussions with, and feedback from, a wide range of stakeholders. And we are proud to stand with Access/RI, Common Cause Rhode Island, the New England First Amendment Coalition, the League of Women Voters, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Rhode Island Press Association in support of these needed reforms.
APRA Fight Has Government Protecting Government
East Bay Media Group 4.4.24
It would take most of a day to describe and debate every change contained within the new APRA bill. It is the result of a year and a half of meetings, compromises and revisions, led by a coalition of open government and good-government advocates. The agencies supporting this bill include the League of Women Voters, the Rhode Island chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Rhode Island Press Association, Common Cause Rhode Island and the New England First Amendment Coalition. These are not radical groups attempting to bring down government. They are government watchdogs, representing the best interests of the people living in this great state.
Five Groups Call on Worcester to Restore Online Checkbook After T&G Report
Worcester Telegram & Gazette 4.2.24
“On behalf of the ACLU of Massachusetts, Common Cause, Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center, MassPIRG, and the New England First Amendment Coalition, we write to raise serious concerns about your decision to end the City of Worcester’s Open Checkbook program and ask you to reverse course and restore the program as soon as practicable,” the groups wrote in a March 13 letter to City Manager Eric D. Batista. The letter was sent four days after the T&G reported that the city, citing cybersecurity concerns, said it would not be restoring access to its open checkbook website, a portal where the public could see the sums of money paid out by the city to vendors on behalf of taxpayers.
Is Transparency of Open Records Legislation Too Taxing for R.I. Officials?
Providence Business News 3.29.24
Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, says all of the proposed changes are “reasonable measures. “I think a lot of the concern over what is being proposed is unfounded,” he said. Public records laws in other states recognize there is a balance between transparency and the privacy of some information, Silverman says. “These changes are warranted,” he said. “It’s been a long time coming.”
Make Hybrid Meetings Permanent
The Harvard Press 3.22.24
Several bills in the Legislature propose to make remote access a requirement. One in particular has the support of a nine-member coalition that includes the New England Newspaper and Press Association (of which the Press is a member), the New England First Amendment Coalition, the League of Women Voters, and the Disability Law Center. That bill is H.3040/S.2024, currently in the hands of the Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government. The bill has 55 sponsors, including Harvard’s representatives state Sen. James Eldridge and state Rep. Danillo Sena.
Lawmakers Scale Back Public Records Fee to Target ‘Largest, Most Problematic Requests’
New Hampshire Bulletin 3.21.24
The New Hampshire Press Association, ACLU of New Hampshire, New England First Amendment Coalition, and Right to Know NH opposed the bill, saying the hourly fees would make it more difficult to obtain information needed to hold government accountable. The groups worked with sponsor Rep. Katelyn Kuttab, a Windham Republican, on the amendment.
Public Meetings Must Be Made Hybrid
The Sun Chronicle 3.19.24
Several open meeting advocates, including the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association, the Disability Law Center, the ACLU of Massachusetts, Common Cause Massachusetts and the New England First Amendment Coalition, are urging Healey to change her mind and support the effort to require hybrid meetings. The groups argue that remote meetings preserved public bodies’ ability to operate during the pandemic, but also “opened the door to civic engagement for members of the public and many people who had previously been shut out,” including seniors with mobility issues, people with disabilities, parents with young children, people with elder care and adult care responsibilities, people who can’t drive or afford taxis or rideshares, people with chronic medical conditions, and people who just want to know more about their government. “Remote access is the latest instance of universal design — alongside curb cuts, elevators, closed captioning, audiobooks, and other features — that began as accommodations and expanded to universal popularity,” the group wrote. “Like these innovations and others (that emerged) during the pandemic, remote access to public meetings should become a permanent feature.”
‘A Step Backward’ – Municipal Empowerment Act Draws Criticism From Open Government Advocates
The Shrewsbury Post 3.18.24
A coalition of various advocacy groups, including the New England First Amendment Coalition (NEFAC), ACLU of Massachusetts, Boston Center for Independent Living, Disability Law Center, Common Cause Massachusetts, League of Women Voters of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association, MASSPIRG and the New England Newspaper and Press Association has voiced strong criticism regarding parts of Governor Maura Healey’s Municipal Empowerment Act, particularly sections 2-5. The concern primarily revolves around the bill’s potential impact on access to local government meetings. Instead of ensuring broader access through hybrid public meetings that include both in-person and remote participation options, the proposal leaves the format of local open meetings entirely up to the discretion of municipalities, the group stated in a press release.
Sunshine Week Marks Strides Made to Codify Our Rights
Sentinel and Enterprise 3.18.24
A public records response from the governor’s office offered a glimpse into some of the those involved in that order, but the Healey administration — after previously declaring it would “follow the public records law and provide more transparency” than previous governors — claimed several exemptions and withheld documents. That’s why we stand with open-government groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Common Cause Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association and the New England First Amendment Coalition, in protecting the public’s right to know by promoting Sunshine Week.
New Hampshire Report: Sunshine Week
The Boston Globe 3.15.24
The panelists and their attentive audience had a lively back-and-forth at Saint Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics, which teamed up with the New England First Amendment Coalition and the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications to host the event. “I feel as though the courts in New Hampshire and the Supreme Court, with respect to certain specific cases, have come a long way,” said NEFAC President Gregory V. Sullivan, an attorney who has been involved in numerous noteworthy cases regarding access to public records. “I’ve only been doing this kind of work for 47 years now,” Sullivan said, drawing chuckles from the room, “and I’ve seen some real encouraging developments, particularly back in 2020.” Sullivan was referring to New Hampshire Supreme Court decisions in 2020 that overturned what he called “27 years of bad law.” The court effectively expanded the public’s access to records concerning police misconduct by narrowing the scope of what would qualify for the Right-to-Know Law’s “internal personnel practices” exception. Sullivan also lauded a 2023 decision in which the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that Nashua officials were required to search the city’s backup tapes for emails responsive to a records request. The city was also ordered to pursue additional training in the law.
Massachusetts is Failing on Government Transparency and Open Records, Advocates Say (video)
GBH News 3.15.24
NEFAC Executive Director Justin Silverman joins Talking Politics host Adam Reilly and Act on Mass Executives Director Erin Leahy to discuss Sunshine Week in Massachusetts. Silverman discusses the need for stronger public record laws and a requirement that all government bodies provide hybrid access to their meetings.
Sunshine Week Another Reminder to Strengthen Transparency in Maine Government
Bangor Daily News 3.14.24
Officials and entities should follow those requirements as a default, and Maine needs more tools in its FOAA toolkit to ensure that they do. This is not a new need. In 2022, New England First Amendment Coalition Executive Director Justin Silverman wrote a column in the BDN addressing some of the shortcomings of Maine’s FOAA law. He highlighted several avenues for strengthening enforcement. “Whether we grant the state’s public records ombudsman powers to enforce the law or provide statutory incentives such as mandatory attorney fees for prevailing plaintiffs, we need better tools to protect the public’s right to know,” Silverman wrote.
Don’t Think Open Government Matters to You? This Sunshine Week, Think Again.
Various Publications 3.11.23 – 3.16.24
NEFAC Executive Director Justin Silverman wrote an op/ed for Sunshine Week that appeared in publications throughout the region. The op/ed focuses on FOI laws in each New England state and how open government should matter to everyone. Below is a sampling of where it appeared:
VTDigger | Rhode Island Monthly | Caledonian Record | New Hampshire Bulletin | Greenfield Recorder | Eagle-Tribune | Athol Daily Times | Cleburne Times-Review | Weatherford Democrat | Salem News | Cullman Times | The Bedford Citizen | Daily Hampshire Gazette | Derry News | Gloucester Times | Vermont Community Newspaper Group (Stowe Reporter, The Other Paper, The Citizen, Shelburne News) | The Hull Times | Addison Independent
Hybrid Public Meetings are a Pandemic Innovation Worth Keeping
The Boston Globe 3.10.24
Unfortunately, however, the governor’s approach on those hybrid public meetings falls far short of a full-throated endorsement and could easily result in a whole lot of backsliding by municipalities. And as a coalition of open meeting advocates wrote in a recent letter to the governor and Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll, it represents “a step backward.” The open meeting provision in the governor’s legislation allows hybrid meetings but doesn’t require them. “Giving every government body covered by the OML (Open Meeting Law) complete discretion about how to provide public access to their meetings means people with disabilities, parents with young children, people with limited transportation, and others will be completely shut out when city councils, select boards or school committees decide to hold meetings exclusively in person,” the letter said. Among those signing the letter were the ACLU of Massachusetts, Common Cause Massachusetts, the Disability Law Center, the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association (of which the Globe is a member), and the New England First Amendment Coalition.
A Look Into Public Records Law: What Makes A Document Public?
The Enterprise 3.8.24
Sunshine Week, which will be held from March 10 through March 16, highlights the importance of public records law and open government through public discussion with news organizations, civic government, nonprofits and other groups. “Public records law provides us information, documents about our government and the work that it is doing, so we can have the transparency necessary to hold [the] government accountable,” said New England First Amendment Coalition Executive Director Justin Silverman.
New Lawsuit Against BPD, BRIC Shows a Trend in Lack of Transparency
The Daily Free Press 3.7.24
Justin Silverman, the executive director for the New England First Amendment Coalition, said Massachusetts has some of the “the worst public records laws in the country.” “We need to know whether the government’s doing its job,” Silverman said. “That need becomes ever more acute when you’re dealing with law enforcement agencies.” Silverman said there is not an easy way to force law compliance outside of the court system, especially for most citizens who do not have the time and money to take their case to court. In 2016, however, the state added an attorney’s fee provision to the law in order to motivate attorneys to take on these cases on a pro bono or contingency fee basis, “ a good upward trend,” Silverman said. “Many other states have other types of remedies and ways to force compliance when an agency doesn’t want to follow the law, Massachusetts certainly doesn’t,” said Silverman, who added that First Amendment rights should be taken “very seriously.”
Bill Allowing Fees for Public Records Requests Hits Another Hurdle
New Hampshire Bulletin 3.6.24
House Bill 1002, which is opposed by the the New Hampshire Press Association, ACLU of New Hampshire, New England First Amendment Coalition, and conservative policy groups, cleared the House in February. But it was sent back to the House Judiciary Committee a week later after several House members said they voted for it without appreciating its potential implications on government transparency.
Bar: SJC’s Anti-SLAPP Ruling Will Clarify, Simplify Litigation
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly 3.6.24
For anti-SLAPP practitioners, the “second path” has meant a lot of extra work with “no real good effect,” said Boston’s Jeffrey J. Pyle, author of an amicus brief on behalf of the New England First Amendment Coalition. “It’s nice to be back in the Duracraft world,” he said. The impact of the Bristol decision will be to make anti-SLAPP practice a great deal more predictable and straightforward, Pyle added. “The subjective motivation test of Blanchard II made it such that it was sometimes difficult to predict how a court would come out on an anti-SLAPP motion, depending on how the court viewed the totality of the case, what the court thought of competing affidavits, what the court thought of the relative power of the parties or the timing of the filing of the lawsuit targeting petitioning activity, and how it weighted those various factors,” Pyle said. Even the SJC had noticed that the outcomes under the Blanchard test would vary greatly depending on how a court viewed the test and weighed the various factors, Pyle noted. “We’re now back to an objective test, not a totality of the circumstances test, and that is something that gives practitioners and clients a great deal more certainty,” he said.
New Hampshire State Police Backtrack After Saying Arrestee’s Name Wouldn’t Be Released
The Boston Globe 3.5.23
Gregory V. Sullivan, president of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said he’s never seen police issue a statement quite like the original one in this case. “I don’t think it was particularly judicious for the state police to issue this particular news release,” he said. Sullivan said police need to take a case-by-case approach to protect victims. They can, for example, redact victims’ names from public records. “But that does not include the name of the person arrested,” he said.
Lawyers Hail New Massachusetts Retaliatory Suit Protocol
Bloomberg Law 3.4.24
The Supreme Judicial Court “thankfully has thrown out that analysis as the pile of garbage that it is,” attorney Jeff Pyle said. The pathway “deprived people of the protection of the anti-SLAPP statute who the legislature intended to protect,” he said. For example, that pathway ended up denying some victims of assault and domestic violence protection when they were hit with SLAPP suits after speaking with law enforcement, Pyle wrote in an amicus brief for the New England First Amendment Coalition.
Legislative News
Greenfield Recorder 2.28.24
“It will shut people out of the democratic process by only allowing — and not requiring — municipalities to provide hybrid participation options,” the groups said in a joint statement. “Giving every government body complete discretion about how to provide public access to their meetings means people with disabilities or other reasons they can’t attend meetings will be completely shut out when city councils, select boards, or school committees decide to hold meetings exclusively in person.” Authors urged lawmakers to guarantee hybrid access to public meetings. Organizations that signed onto the joint statement include the ACLU of Massachusetts, Boston Center for Independent Living, Disability Law Center, Common Cause Massachusetts, League of Women Voters of Mass., the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association, MASSPIRG, the New England First Amendment Coalition, and the New England Newspaper and Press Association.
Critics: Healey’s Municipal Reform Plan Limits Public Access to Meeting
Gloucester Daily Times 2.27.24
A coalition of open government and disability advocates voiced “strong concerns” about portions of the bill that deal with access to local government meetings. The groups, which include Disability Law Center, Common Cause Massachusetts, the ACLU of Massachusetts and the New England First Amendment Coalition, said the plan would “shut people out of the democratic process by only allowing — and not requiring — municipalities to provide hybrid participation options.” “Giving every government body complete discretion about how to provide public access to their meetings means people with disabilities or other reasons they can’t attend meetings will be completely shut out when city councils, select boards, or school committees decide to hold meetings exclusively in person,” they said in a statement.
Civic Documenters Program Engages, Empowers Citizens to Help Strengthen Local News
Laconia Daily Sun 2.20.24
“This is a special opportunity to not only help New Hampshire residents become more civic-minded, but to also support newsrooms. We hope CivDoc will continue to be a model for other towns in New England and will give local journalism a much-needed assist,” said Justin Silverman, executive director of New England First Amendment Coalition.
The Increasingly Important Role of Student Journalists
Various Publications 2.19.24 – 2.24.24
NEFAC Executive Director Justin Silverman co-wrote an op/ed for Student Press Freedom Day that appeared in publications throughout the region. The op/ed focuses on the need to support student journalists and the local news they are providing New England communities. Below is where the op/ed appeared:
The Clock | East Bay Newspapers | The New Englander | The Independent | Penobscot Bay Pilot
City Council Meetings Disrupted By Antisemitic Group Trying to Gain a Foothold in New England
GBH 2.14.24
Attorney Maggie Mulvihill, an associate professor of journalism at Boston University and a board member of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said that though speech by the Goyim Defense League and other neo-Nazis is troubling, “they have the right to speak.” “People say horrible, hateful things, but they have a right to do that unless it falls in these narrow categories, like it’s a true threat or it is inciting violence, like the Brandenburg decision,” Mulvihill said. “So, government agencies have to be very, very careful about restricting somebody’s speech.”
Your Right to Know (video)
The State We’re In 2.9.24
NEFAC President Gregory V. Sullivan joined journalist Annmarie Timmins and advocate Katherine Kokko on PBS’s The State We’re In. Sullivan discussed the state’s Right to Know Law and HB 1002, a bill that would allow public bodies and agencies to charge up to $25 an hour for record searches that take longer than 10 hours.
Why Do Lawmakers Want to Update the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act? (audio)
The Public’s Radio 2.8.24
The Public’s Radio afternoon host Dave Fallon spoke with Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, who consulted on the bill backed by Democrats.
City Councilors’ Dispute with Vocal Critics Escalates to Court Hearing
New Bedford Light 2.1.24
Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said that in light of the fact that parties to the hearing support opening the proceeding, there’s a good argument for doing so. “It strikes me as unusual,” Silverman said on Thursday morning. “I cannot think of another instance where the accused has asked that it be open and it’s denied.” According to published state standards, the privacy of show cause hearings is to benefit those who have been accused. But, in view of the fact that all parties in the hearing have been named publicly, Silverman said he could not understand the need to close the hearing. “We already know who these people are, so there’s no privacy left to protect,” he said.
How Much is That Public Records Request? McKee Orders RIDOT to Refund News Outlets
Rhode Island Current 2.1.24
WPRI investigative reporter and Target 12 Managing Editor Tim White said he’s happy McKee ordered the refund. “I hope this is a trend in the right direction,” said White, who was also a longtime board member of the New England First Amendment Coalition. White said he understands that work has to be put in to respond to records requests, but views fees charged to media “as a method to try and chill the request itself.” The real problem, he said, is getting a fee waived. APRA requires a requester to have a state judge review if “the information requested is in the public interest.” “I don’t think anyone can argue shedding light on what led up to the closure of the Washington Bridge isn’t in the public’s interest, yet requiring the public to petition the court to waive a fee is impractical,” White said. “It’s another example of why the law is deeply flawed and needs to be overhauled.”
A Call to Action: Protecting New Hampshire’s Right to Know Law
Eagle Times 1.30.24
The bill wouldn’t just infringe on the rights of citizens to discover what their government is up to; it would hamper efforts of news organizations like the Eagle Times. There is no carve out for the press in this legislation and we wouldn’t support it even if there were. Gregory V. Sullivan, president of the New England First Amendment Coalition, issued a statement saying: “House Bill 1002 is a monumental step in the wrong direction. If enacted, it will discourage and prevent the citizenry of New Hampshire from gaining access to public records.”
Group: Right to Know Bill ‘Step in Wrong Direction’
The Conway Daily Sun 1.30.24
The New England First Amendment Coalition recently called on New Hampshire legislators to reject a proposal that could significantly increase fees for public records. The proposal “is a monumental step in the wrong direction that, if enacted, will discourage and prevent the citizenry of New Hampshire from gaining access to public records,” said NEFAC President Gregory V. Sullivan in a Jan. 16 statement to the state’s House Judiciary Committee.
In Mass. Brothel Case, Lawyers for Suspected Sex Buyers Argue to Keep Magistrate Hearings Private
The Boston Globe 1.22.24
In other Monday filings, some advocates argued the proceedings should be open to the public. An attorney for the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association and the New England First Amendment Coalition said in an amicus brief that the matter is “of significant public importance and interest. “This sex-for-hire matter has attracted wide public attention and media coverage,” wrote the attorney, Peter J. Caruso. “The matter, unlike neighbor disputes and other minor matters of low public interest typically before a clerk-magistrate, cries out for open proceedings and open access to named individuals and evidence submitted during the hearing.”
First Amendment Group: Follow Your Own Rules, Massachusetts Courts
Boston Herald 1.6.24
The court system is designed to enforce the rules of its governing society, but one group is calling it out for not even following its own rules. “We want to bring to the court’s attention what we believe is a violation of its rules on accessing electronic records and ask that this violation be immediately remedied,” lawyers for the New England First Amendment Coalition wrote in a letter to Judge Jeffrey A. Locke on the last day of his tenure as the Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Trial Court. Specifically, the letter states, state law regarding remote access to electronic court records specifies certain information should be made available online about every criminal case: the full name of each defendant, the case numbers by court department and division, the name and mailing address for each attorney who has made an appearance in the case, the docket number of the specific case and the court calendar for the case. “As of today, much of this information appears to be missing for members of the general public searching criminal cases using the state’s online court records portal,” the letter states. It says Superior Court cases tend to follow the rules, but cases at the level of Boston municipal courts or district courts do not.
A Lively Experiment (video)
PBS 1.5.24
NEFAC’s Ed Fitzpatrick joins Rhode Island Current’s Nancy Lavin, The Providence Journal’s Patrick Anderson and moderator Jim Hummel to discuss public records in the state. Conversation begins at 18:07.