The Region’s Leading Advocate for the First Amendment and Open Government
Better understand the impact we’re making in the region and why the New England First Amendment Coalition is deserving of your support. We protect your rights through Education, Advocacy and Defense.
Since 2006, the New England First Amendment Coalition has been the region’s leading voice for press freedom and government transparency. When newsrooms need perspective on a First Amendment issue facing their communities, they turn to us.
We are promoting freedom of information and the protection of your First Amendment rights.
NEFAC has been quoted and mentioned in the local and regional press nearly 100 times this year. We’ve also previously been featured in national publications too, such as The Washington Post and The New York Times.
The coalition is a much-needed voice for those who value a strong, independent press and accountable government.
Just recently, The Boston Globe featured our executive director in a debate about whether or not police body camera footage should be exempt from the Massachusetts public records law. We have also written op/eds in The Providence Journal and Worcester Telegram & Gazette, among others.
When government officials block access and challenge your First Amendment rights, we speak for you.
In addition to media commentary, NEFAC frequently appears in front of state legislatures and provides public testimony on the issues that matter most.
This year alone, we have testified about access to electronic court records and unreasonable media restrictions in Vermont, in opposition to additional limits on the Massachusetts open meeting and public record laws, and against a bill in Connecticut that would make criminal investigation evidence secret.