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Introduction to Open Meeting Law
This class features Raymond A. Marcaccio, co-founder of Oliverio & Marcaccio LLP. He represents local news media organizations and brings claims for access to public records and court and government proceedings.
How Newsrooms Respond to Executive Session Secrecy
Tim White at WPRI in Providence shares how government agencies hold executive sessions — secret meetings that are allowed only under certain circumstances — and what he and his colleagues did to respond.
Open Meetings and Public Comment
Attorney Raymond A. Marcaccio, co-founder of Oliverio & Marcaccio LLP, addresses common challenges to the public’s right to speak at open meetings and helps clarify when and how government officials can restrict the speech of those in attendance.
Open Meetings and Remote Access
John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, leads this lesson on open meetings and remote access. He discusses how the law changed during the COVID pandemic and what legislative changes have been proposed to guarantee remote access for the public.